This real estate auction presents a commercial venue located in Calle Miquel Pellisa 5 -1, 07610 Palma de Mallorca. It is a commercial place in basement with access from Calle Miquel Pallicer and another access from Calle Laud, in Palma, in the place Las Maravillas, currently numbered as number 7 of Calle Miguel Pallicer. The premises has an area of approximately 429,36 m2 and is susceptible to further division. Its boundaries are as follows: in front with Calle Miguel Pallicer, to the right partly with Calle Laud, partly with the subsoil of the whole and partly with the local number 2, to the left with a strip of sand to the ground floor and to the bottom with the subsoil of land that belonged to the ladies Alzamora Gomà. This venue has a quota of 12.06% and its cadastral reference is 7946602-DD7774F-0001WF.
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