This real estate auction consists of apartment number 276, located on the first floor, door nine of the Pullman IV Building, on Calle Juan de Saridakis, number 22, in Palma de Mallorca. The apartment has an access through the terrace, staircase and two common elevators. It has an area of twenty square meters and has a terrace of six square meters. Its borders are as follows: on the front with the street mentioned, on the right with the apartment number 277, on the left with the number 275 and on the back with a common corridor. The share share is 0.20 per cent. With regard to the auction procedure, the auction will be conducted in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge. Those interested in participating must comply with the established requirements, submit the necessary documentation and make an economic offer in writing. The auction shall be held at a specified date and place, where the participants may bid for the property in question. The auction process shall follow a pre-established order and the good shall be awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it meets the established conditions. Once the auction is completed, the sale and the delivery of the property to the buyer will be formalized.
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