This real estate auction corresponds to Finca No. 102,920 registered in the Register of Property of Siero, with cadastral reference 33016001034171. It is a family house number three, located in San Martino, parish of Vega de Poja, council of Siero. The property consists of basement and ground floor connected by a staircase. The basement includes a garage, a toilet room, a pantry and the boiler room, with a constructed area of 84.26 m2 and useful of 67.03 m2. The first floor has a constructed area of 116.14 m2 and useful of 102.83 m2, distributed in several dependencies and services. In addition, on the ground floor there is a porch of 15.40 m2 of constructed area and 7.70 m2 useful. The building borders the estate on which it is located. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must submit an economic offer in writing before the deadline set. The offer must include the quantity offered, the personal data of the bidder and a guarantee of 5% of the value of the appraisal of the property. If successful, the buyer must pay 20% of the award price within 15 working days of notification of the award. Once the payment has been completed, the public deed of sale will be signed.
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