This real estate auction presents the house letter A located on the first floor of the house in Zaragoza, Calle Cerezo number 14, corner with Calle Agustina de Aragón. The house has a total area of fifty-seven meters and two square decimeter. The property is located in an angular location, which can be an attractive point for potential buyers. As for the auction procedure, it will be conducted under the supervision of a Spanish government agency. Those interested in participating shall comply with the requirements established by the organising entity and submit the necessary documentation. During the auction, a transparent and public process will be followed, where participants will be able to make their bids for the property. It is important that those interested in purchasing this house be attentive to the conditions of the auction, the deadlines set and any other requirements that may be requested. The property in question, being part of an angular house in a privileged location in Zaragoza, can be an attractive opportunity for those looking to invest in real estate in this area.
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