This real estate auction consists of the sale of a type E house located on the first upper floor of Block three of a urban complex called "Gardens of Glory". The housing in question is number forty-seven. It is a property that is part of a residential complex and has specific design and distribution characteristics of type E. The complex "Jardines de la Gloria" is the environment where this house is located, which probably offers community services and shared areas for residents. As for the auction procedure, organized by a Spanish government agency, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations and regulations established for this type of process. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements laid down, such as pre-registration, financial guarantees and follow the detailed instructions to be able to bid for the property in question. It is important to note that as a real estate auction, participants must be prepared to compete with other bidders and offer the best economic offer for housing. Once the auction is completed, the process of awarding and transferring the property will be carried out in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
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