This real estate auction corresponds to a storage room located in Mijas, Malaga. It is a storage room in the basement-2 of block 2 of the farm number 420, with a constructed area of approximately 7.90 m2, including proportional share of common elements. The share of ownership is 0.028%. The cadastral reference is 6517101UF4461N0420OH and the cadastral address is Calle Músicos de Riviera 3, Escalera 2, Planta -2, Puerta 49, in the urbanization Terrazas del Sol, 29649 Mijas (Málaga). According to the cadastre, the constructed area is 13 m2, of which 5 m2 correspond to common elements. The procedure of the auction implies that the interested parties must register and present a guarantee of 5% of the value of valuation of the storeroom in order to participate. During the auction, bids will be made until the highest price is reached. Once the auction is completed, the winner must pay 20% of the auction price as part of the payment, and the rest within a certain time frame. In case of non-compliance, the security delivered will be forfeited. It is important to note that the information provided is detailed and accurate, allowing interested parties to know in depth the characteristics of the storage room and the auction process in order to participate in an informed manner.
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