This real estate auction corresponds to a storage room located in Mijas, Malaga. It is a storage room in the basement-2 of block 2 of the farm number 424 with a constructed area of approximately 7.79 m2, including proportional share of common elements. The share of ownership is 0.028%. The cadastral reference is 6517101UF4461N0424DB. The address according to cadastre is Calle Músicos de Riviera 3, Escalera 2, Planta -2, Puerta 53, Conjunto Terrazas del Sol, 29649 Mijas (Málaga). According to cadastre, the constructed area is 11 m2, of which 4 m2 correspond to common elements. The auction procedure will involve bidding by the interested parties, who will have to comply with the requirements established by the auctioning body, which in this case is a Spanish government agency. Participants shall provide financial guarantees to be able to participate in the auction and shall follow the rules and procedures established for the bid and acquisition of the property. Once the auction is complete, the winner must complete the necessary formalities for the transfer of the property, following the regulations in force in Spain for this type of real estate transactions.
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