This real estate auction corresponds to a service module located in Apple number five of the U.E.4K-1, in the group "El Angel", in Jerez de la Frontera. According to the cadastral certification, the current address is Calle Joan Miró, 1, Escalera 5, planta 00, puerta L09, Edificio Europa. The property consists of two floors, low and high, completely diaphanous with an access staircase between both. It has a total constructed area of 144.24 m2 and a useful area of 111.34 m2. The boundaries of the property are as follows: front, access area to the modules; background, access corridor to the building's counter room; right, when entering, module number 7 of the building; left, module number 5 of the building and access area to other modules. The real estate auction procedure implies that this service module will be auctioned by the competent public body, and the interested parties will have to comply with the requirements set out to participate in the bid. The auction shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations and procedures established by the responsible body, and the highest bidder may acquire ownership after the auction process has been completed.
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