This real estate auction presents a single lot consisting of two undivided fifths of the full domain of the property registration number 15123, registered in the Property Register number one of El Ejido, Almería. The detailed description of the property is as follows: it is a plot located on Calle Iglesia de El Ejido, with an area of three hundred square meters. The boundaries are as follows: on the front, the Church street; on the right, entering, José Palmero; on the left, Antonio Gongora Zamora; and on the bottom, Juan José Moreno Alarcón. The cadastral reference is 6600203WF1760S0001BP. The current registration holder is the company MURGISOL INVERSION SL with CIF B04713756. As regards the procedure of the auction, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements and conditions laid down, submit the necessary documentation and make the tenders in accordance with the established protocol. Once the auction is concluded, the lot will be awarded to the bidder with the highest bid, who will have to complete the corresponding procedures for the formalization of the purchase.
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