This real estate auction refers to the disposal of 100% of the full domain of a garage located at number 4 of Avenida Bulevar de El Ejido 284 PT2 in El Ejido, Almería. The description of the property is as follows: this is a garage square number 2 on the basement floor of a building located on the road from Malaga to Almería, in El Ejido. The parking space has an area of fourteen meters and fifty square decimeter. The boundaries of the property are as follows: to the north it borders with garage square number 3, to the south with garage square number 1, to the east with the building of the brothers López Maldonado and to the west with the common access to this square and the others. The auction procedure involves the disposal of 100% of the full domain of this garage space, where the interested parties can participate according to the regulations and requirements established by the government agency in charge of the auction.
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