This real estate auction corresponds to a rustic estate located in the Llano de Guardias Viejas site, in El Ejido, Almería. It is irrigated land with an area of three hectares, forty-seven areas and eighty-six centiareas. In the property are three warehouses for agricultural use, with areas of 149 square meters, 97 square meters and 42 square meters respectively. The cadastral reference of the farm is part of 04104A03400140000DF and 04104A03400150000DM, corresponding to plots 14 and 15 of polygon 34. The auction procedure implies that those interested in acquiring this property must register with the official auction portal of the Spanish Government and submit an economic offer. The auction shall be conducted electronically and the participant offering the highest amount within the deadline shall be the winner. Once the auction has been concluded, the successful tenderer must make the corresponding payment and complete the legal procedures for the transfer of the property in his name.
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