This real estate auction corresponds to the property number 43984. The property at auction is a rustic estate located in a rural area of Spain. The estate has an area of X hectares and is composed of farmland and pastures. The property has a cottage of X rooms, a well of water, and various agricultural buildings such as warehouses and stables. The auction procedure is organized by a Spanish government agency in charge of the sale of seized or disused properties. In order to participate in the auction, interested parties must first register and comply with certain requirements, such as submitting an economic guarantee. During the auction, the participants make bids for the property and the highest bid at the end of the process is awarded the estate. It is important to note that the property is sold in its current state, so it is advisable to carry out a prior inspection to evaluate the state of the estate and its buildings. Once the auction is completed, the winner must complete the purchase procedures and make the corresponding payment to obtain the property.
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