Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Ho878 I. Hristova was announced. The sale will take place in the RS-Yambol building on 25.08.2023 at 09:00. On sale are two land properties with the following characteristics: 1. Land property with identifier 87374.11.666 in Yambol, m. GREEN AGULI, with area of 16 998 sq.m., with a use - Levels, category - Agricultural, with initial price of 108 000 BGN. 2. Land property with identifier 87374.11.667 in Yambol, m. GREEN AGULI, with an area of 3 286 sq.m., with a way of using - Levels, category - Agricultural, with starting price of 20 000 BGN. The properties are owned by "Migri" Ltd. and have imposed mortgages in favor of the demanding "Unicredit Bulbank" AD. The bid rate is BGN 1090 and is submitted to I.A.B. Yambol. The bids may only submit one offer for each property case. All proposals must be submitted to the DUI's office at RS-Yambol and sealed. They shall not participate in the public sale of persons under Art.185 of the JSI, CSI and those working under CSI. The acquisition of the property incurs additional charges such as local tax, a charge for issuing a decree of award, a fee for the entry of the decree and for the transport of the acquired property. For all transfers of amounts over 30 000 BGN, a declaration according to the Law on Measures against Money Laundering is required. The sale ends by 24.08.2023 at the end of the business day.
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