Public sale of 1/2 per cent of land property with identifier 44745.39.9 is announced by Cadastral Map and Cadastral Registers of the village of Lyutibrod, Mezdra Municipality, Vratsa District. The property has an area of 1700 sq.m., located in the area "Grdovitsa" and has a lasting purpose for agricultural territory, category of land 6. The property has neighbors with identifiers 44745.39.8, 44745.39.10, 44745.39.18, 44745.39.4. On the property there are burdens such as a ban in favour of the applicants listed in the Property Register, a lease contract for 15 years and a ban in a performance case. The assessment of 1/2 per hour of the property is 919.00 BGN. The starting price for bidding is 80% of the value of the property, which is 735,20 BGN. The bid for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and should be submitted in advance to the account of H.C.D. at the Bank of DSK. The court contractor's account must be certified by the specified time limit until the deadline for submitting the call, otherwise the bidding proposal shall be deemed invalid. The sale will be made by bidding, and willing participants must submit their offer of participation together with a receipt for the submitted request at the Registry of the District Court in Mezdra. The time limit for participation in the sale shall be by the specified date.
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