Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Violeta Tomova was announced. The sale will take place in the RS-Belogradchik building from 05.05.2023 to 05.06.2023. The first property is land with identifier 56753.175.40 in the area of Redovnitsa, municipality of Ruzhintsi, area 3000 sq.m., destination - forest land. The starting price is BGN 1209.60. The second property is land with identifier 56753.136.41 in the area of Lilavo Kledce, municipality of Ruzhintsi, with an area of 3000 sq.m., destination - agricultural land. The starting price is BGN 3639.60. The third property is levels of 1 deca in the area of Sanda (Skotitsa) without a planionic number, Vidinska municipality. The starting price is 727.20 BGN. The properties are not mortgaged, but they are banned in favor of the applicant M.P.I. For participation in the sale is required a claim on the price of the property. The bids must offer a price with figures and words that cannot be lower or more than 300 BGN from the initial price. The sale will take place on 06.06.2023 in the RS-Belogradchik building, announcing the buyer offered the highest price. After the proposals are exhausted, the buyer must submit the proposed price within a two-week period. Otherwise, the task remains in favor of the demandr.
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