Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Stefan Ninov, has been announced. The sale will take place in the building of Vidin District Court between 14.11.2023 and 14.12.2023 of buildings owned by the debtor PK "Renaissance" with EIK 105008870. The subject of the sale are ideal parts of a building with an identifier 52180.900.583.1 and attachment to the commercial building with identifier 52180.900.583.2 located in the village of Novo selo, Vidin district. The first building has built area of 227.00 sq.m. and built volume of 1, 260 cubic meters, intended "building for trade" . The starting price for the ideal parts of this building is 45 783.36 BGN with VAT. The second building has a built-up area of 120.00 sq.m. and a built-up volume of 315 cubic meters, intended "building for trading." The starting price for the ideal parts of this building is 21 901.44 BGN with VAT. It is mandatory to participate with a charge of 10% of the starting price. The proposals for a price will be accepted until 14.12.2023 and the announcement of the highest proposals will be made on 15.12.2023 in the presence of the bids. On the buildings there are established burdens in favor of DSK Bank. If any of the contestants do not sign the protocol or offer a higher price, the court contractor may ask for more offers for a buyer.
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