Public sale of real estate owned by the debtor in the C.C. case was announced. T... The first property is a panel apartment with an area of 70.15 sq.m, located in the village of Dolni Lom, in building block Ho 1, on the fourth floor. The apartment consists of a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room, along with a clean room. The second property is agricultural land with an area of 9.34 decares, including building rights and electrical installations. The starting price for the first property is 7 666.00 BGN. On the property there are registered burdens, including a legal mortgage in favour of the applicant. The bid for participation in the public sale is 10% of the starting price. The bid will take place on 29.06.2023 at the Regional Court of Belogradchik. The purchase proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope by 17:00 on the same date. The bids may offer a price that is not lower or higher than 300% of the starting price. The proposals will be announced on 30.06.2023 at the Regional Court Hall in Belogradchik. Anyone who wants to see the property may examine the property after prior appointment with the court governor.
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