Public sale of real estate, owned by E.D.E. Ltd, Veliko Tarnovo was announced to satisfy the claim of the demanding Municipality of Strazhitsa. The property is located in the village of Vinograd, 13 Peta Str., Strazhitsa municipality, Veliko Tarnovo district. The area of the property is 1885 sq.m. and includes regulated land estate MGU - 342 in district 25 according to the detailed planning of the village. On the property there are destroyed buildings and initial price for public sale of BGN 2 835.00. The property is banned in favour of the Municipality of Strazhitsa. Those who wish to appear at the public sale must pay a fee of 24,00 BGN with VAT and review the materials in the office of the Private Judicial Contractor. The property can be viewed every Friday between 10:00 and 12:00. The call for participation in the public sale shall be 10% of the starting price and shall be made in advance by bank transfer. The bids must be presented in a sealed envelope at the Gorna Oryahovitsa District Court. The sale will take place on 27.07.2023 in the presence of the participants, with the private court contractor drawing up a protocol and announcing the buyer. In the event that the price is not paid within the deadline, the bid shall be declared to be submitted by the next bidder. The buyer must provide a declaration of the origin of his funds under the legislation on measures against money laundering.
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