There is a public sale of real estate in Veliko Tarnovo, which will be held in the building of the District Court in Gorna Oryahovitsa. The property is located in the land of the village of Tsarski Izvor, the municipality of Strazhitsa and is owned by "VAG 2016"BOD. The property includes land property - I.N.H. 075015 with an area of 1,119 deka, sixth category, located in Zhevezlika locality, village of Tsarski Izvor. It borders with other properties such as abandoned levels of D.S.T., Polish road of the Municipality of Strazhitsa, abandoned levels of "Zahir" EOOD, wood production of DAG - D.G.S. and others. The starting price of the property is 2001,42 BGN. The property is burdened with a decreed ban in favour of the Lucy Mazurquievic, a citizen of the Republic of Poland. The interested may look at the papers at the Gorna District Court office. Oryahovitsa every working day and hour. It is imperative to submit a call / pledge/ of 10% of the property's valuation for participation in the tender by bank transfer. The proposals of the participants are submitted in a sealed envelope in the Regional Court of Gorna Oryahovitsa and will be examined on 13.03.2023 at 09:00. The sale will take place in front of a private court contractor who will announce the buyer.
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