Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor M.G.M., organized by private court contractor Ivelina Tsankova. The property is located in the village of Samodje, Dervenya locality, municipality and Veliko Tarnovo district. It has a identifier 65200.181, with an area of 3000 sq.m, with a lasting purpose for forest territory and a way of lasting use - another type of wood forest. The property is approved and registered in the cadastral map of the village. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo on 28.06.2024. Participation in the tender is open to candidates who present a deposit of 10% of the announced initial selling price. A view of the property may be carried out during the public sale. The documents for participation shall be submitted to the private judicial contractor Ivelina Tsankova.
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