Public sale of real estate, located in Radanovo village, Polski Trumbesh municipality, owned by the debtor I.P.R. The real estate includes 1/2 ideal parts of a residential building and commercial buildings built on municipal land with an area of 650 sq.m. The property is regulated with regulated regulatory relations and applied street regulation. The buildings include a residential building with an area of 75 sq.m., an agricultural building with an area of 57 sq.m., and four other buildings with different functional uses and built-in area. The starting price for the public sale is 8 942.40 BGN. There are weights on the property, including foreclosures in favor of U.B.A. The public sale will take place on 08.09.2023 at 10:30 in the building of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo. Participation in the sale is required to be pre-arranged with a charge of 10% of the starting price of the property. The biders must present their proposals in a sealed envelope with a receipt for the submitted request to the District Court of Justice - Veliko Tarnovo at the latest by 17:00 on the last day of the sale. The proposals must contain the digital and written price.
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