Public sale of property owned by V.S.I. was announced in the town of Polski Trumbesh. The property includes 1/4 perfect part of land property with an area of 630 sq.m., regulated and with street regulation. On this property there is built house with two floors, the announced sale is for the second floor, separate as an independent apartment. The property is located in urbanized area with purpose for construction. The initial price for public sale is BGN 23 5200,00. On the property there are entries for the benefit of different persons and the latter date from 2022 and 2021. The sale will take place in Veliko Tarnovo District Court from 28.07.2023 to 28.08.2023. Details of the property and the procedure of the public sale can be obtained from Private Judicial Contractor Diana Koleva of the indicated telephone number.
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