A public sale of real estate was announced in the village of Pavel, municipality of Polski Trambesh, with an initial price of 4 800 BGN. The property includes a house and saya with an area of 2120 square meters, along with the built on it an annex and an UME. The property is owned by "D.P.T. PROPERTYIS" EOOD. The property is burdened with mortgages in favor of the demandr. The public sale will be held by the private court contractor Viktor Georgiev in the building of the District Court in Veliko Tarnovo on 09.12.2022. Bidding proposals may be submitted within the specified period. It is mandatory to pay a fee for participation before participation in the public sale. All visitors can look at the property, and for this purpose a fee of 24 BGN is required. Payments shall be made by bank transfer to the account of the private judicial contractor. The buyer must provide a declaration of the origin of the funds before receipt of the purchase order.
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