Public sale of real estate in Lyaskovets, Lyaskovets municipality, Veliko Tarnovo district was announced. The property is identified by an identifier Ho 44793.167.26 and is located in the area "Crusta" with an area of 1855 sq.m. It has a lasting purpose for agricultural activity, category 3, and the previous identifier is 167026. The owner of the property is S.T.T.C. There has been a ban on the property of 24.10.2022 in favour of the applicant in the K.I.G. case. The starting bid price is BGN 2600. The sale will take place at Gorna District Court Oryahovitsa from 10.03.2023 to 10.04.2023, the announcement of the winner will be at 11.04.2023 at 8:30. To participate in the bidding, buyers must contribute a task of 24 BGN to the bank account of the private court contractor. Offers for a price below the starting price and exceeding it by more than 30% are invalid. The winners must declare the origin of the funds for the purchase.
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