Public sale of real estate, owned by D.T.D. and C.S. D., to satisfy the claims of O.V.T., Coin Consult Ltd, TD of NAP Haskovo and Di Stern EOOD. The properties to be auctioned include: 1. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 1,143 decares in Chiflika locality with an initial price of 2 440.00 BGN. 2. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 1,678 deka in the same area with an initial price of 4 600.00 BGN. 3. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 1,213 deka in the same area with an initial price of 3 760.00 BGN. 4. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 5,031 deka in the same area with an initial price of 14 280.00 BGN. 5. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 3,196 deka in the same area with an initial price of 9 640.00 BGN. 6. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 2,708 deka in the same area with an initial price of 8 400.00 BGN. 7. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 0,392 deca in locality The house with a starting price of 1 240.00 BGN. 8. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 3,192 deca in Chiflika locality with an initial price of 8 320.00 BGN. 9. Half an ideal part of land property with an area of 3,133 deka in locality The house with starting price of 9 700.00 BGN. A call/bet of 10% of the starting price is required in advance on a CSI account in A.B.A.. The bidding proposals shall be submitted to the office of R.V.T. and shall be reflected in the incoming register. The sale will take place on 27.06.2024 in the presence of the participants, and the private court contractor will draw up a protocol and announce the buyer in the building of R.V.T., under the terms of Art. 492 of the GPC.
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