Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor M.Z. Belitsa, was announced in the town of Kilifarevo, Veliko Tarnovo municipality. The property has the address 12 Kraybrezhna Str. and is a building with identifier 36837.501.881.19, purpose - industrial building with built area of 672 sq.m. and total area of 36964 sq.m. The property has the status of completion at the stage of "hard construction." The property includes three non-compliances for the benefit of different persons. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo, 16 Vasil Levski Str., et. T from 25.06.2023 to 25.07.2023, ending at the end of the business day on the last day. Protocol by the order of Art. 492, para.1 The PDK will be drawn up on 26.07.2023 in the presence of the participants. A view of the property can be carried out every working day between 15:00 and 20:00 on prior appointment, and the sales papers are available in the office of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo. For participation in the tender a deposit of 10% of the declared initial selling price is required, presented in original at C.I.C. The bids must be presented in a sealed envelope, including the price in figures and words, together with a receipt for the deposit submitted. The sale of the property will take place in the presence of the bidders who participated in the tender.
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