Public sale of real estate, organized by the private judicial contractor Ivelina Tsankova, with an area of action District Court - Veliko Tarnovo. The property to be sold is property of the debtor M.Z. Belitsa is located in Kilifarevo, Kraybrezhna municipality. This is a building with identifier 36837.501.881.2 designed for industrial activity with built-up area of 36964 sq.m. The property is in urbanized territory and is intended for machine-building and machine-working industries. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo from 25.06.2023 to 25.07.2023. A view of the property can be carried out every working day between 15:00 and 20:00. A deposit of 10% of the declared initial selling price is required for participation in the auction. The deposit certificate must be presented in the original. The proposals for participation in the tender are submitted to the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo.
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