Public sale of real estate owned by the debtor M.H. has been announced. BELICA OOD, BIC 104501796, with address: Veliko Tarnovo municipality, Kilifarevo, Kraybrezhna Str. Ho 12, PK: 5050. The property is land-based with an identifier 36837.197.171 located in PARZ.Mahala/Vratnik locality in Kilifarevo. The type of ownership is private and the territory is agricultural with category 9, destination - levels, with an area of 306 sq. m. The property is banned for the benefit of different persons and organizations. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo, from 26.03.2023 to 26.04.2023, ending at the end of the working hours of the last day. The protocol will be drawn up on 27.04.2023. A view of the property may be carried out each working day on a preliminary basis. For participation in the tender, a deposit of 10% of the announced initial sale price is required at the account of private court contractor Ivelina Tsankova. The bids must submit their offer for a price and receipt for the deposit submitted. The proposals are submitted to the office of the District Court - Veliko Tarnovo. In support of the private judicial contractor Ivelina Tsankova participates Alexander Bozhinov.
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