Public sale of real estate in the village of Kesarevo, municipality of Strazhitsa, owned by D.D. D... The property includes a quarter of an ideal part of a yard with an area of 1130 sq.m, including a residential building with two floors (first floor with corridor, living room, kitchen, bathroom-toilet, room and cellar, second floor with corridor and three rooms), outdoor bathroom, shelter with well, agricultural building and other commercial buildings. The starting price for the public sale is BGN 6 634,80. The weights on the property include a ban in favor of the demanding D.B.V. The sale will take place on 30.06.2023 at 09:30 in the District Court building in Gorna Oryahovitsa. Those who want to see the properties in the period from 29.05.2023 to 29.06.2023 in the village of Kesarevo after prior appointment with Private Judicial Contractor Silvia Koseva. A fee for participation in the sale of 10% of the starting price on a special bank account is mandatory. The bids must be presented in a printed envelope by 17:00 on the last day of the sale. All proposals submitted must comply with the rules for participation in the public sale. The buyer must provide a declaration of clarification of the origin of his funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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