Public sale of real estate, owned by Rodankor Ltd., Veliko Tarnovo is announced. The property is located in quarter 35 of the village of Kathoqa, 10 Second Street and has an area of 2496 square meters. It borders on a street, other land estates in the neighborhood and common land estate. The starting price for public sale is BGN 3 665,00. On the property there are recorded bans in favor of the Municipality of Strazhitsa. The interested parties may review the material in the case at the Private Judicial Contractor's Office after payment of a fee and at the Gorna Oryahovitsa District Court. A view of the property is possible during the expiry of the time period for submitting written bidding proposals. The call for participation in the public sale shall be 10% of the starting price and shall be paid in advance to a specific account. The biders must submit their proposals in a sealed envelope at the Gorna Oryahovitsa District Court. The procedure will end on 13.12.2023 with the announcement of the buyer in the presence of the bids. Natural and legal persons must present declarations to clarify the origin of their funds under law
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