Public sale of real estate, owned by Rodanko Ltd, Veliko Tarnovo is announced. The property is regulated land property P - 91, in district 35, according to the detailed planning of the village of Kathoqa, 10 Second Street, with an area of 2496 sq.m. The boundaries of the property are street, land property 1 -91 in district 35, land estate M-115 in district 35. The property is for sale with an initial price of 4 500.00 BGN. On the property there are registered burdens on the date 24.08.2021, including forbade in favour of the Municipality of Strazhitsa. The interested parties may visit the Office of the Private Judicial Contractor at the address indicated to review the materials of the case after payment of a fee of BGN 24.00 with VAT. The property can be viewed every Friday between 10:00 and 12:00. The fee for participation in the public sale shall be 10% of the starting price and shall be paid in advance to that account. The bids must present their offer for purchase in a sealed envelope at the Gorna Oryahovitsa District Court. The sale will take place on 29.03.2023 at 09:00 in court. In the event that the price is not paid within the time limit, the bid by the bider shall serve to satisfy the demandr. In addition, the buyer must provide a declaration to clarify the origin of his funds under the Law on Measures against Money Laundering.
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