Public sale of property organized by private court contractor Ralitsa Kasabova was announced. The sale will take place between 19.11.2023 and 19.12.2023 and is related to the enforcement case Ho 20237310400089. The property to be sold is a building with an area of 29232 sq.m., which is a greenhouse for organic fruits and vegetables located in the northern part of the agricultural territory with identifier 20835.8.5 in Veliko Tarnovo district, Lyaskovets municipality, Djulyunitsa village, GOYCHETO locality. The starting price for the public sale is 757 800.00 BGN. Different prohibitions and rights on the property are entered in the Registry Office at R.G.O. An amount of 10% on the starting price is required in advance to a CSI account in a bank. The bids must indicate the price they offer, as well as submit a receipt for the package submitted in a sealed envelope. The proposals are accepted in the office of R.G.O. On 20.12.2023 at 9:00 will be held the public bidding in the presence of the participants, with the private court contractor drawing up a protocol and announcing the buyer in the building.
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