Public sale of real estate located in the village of Dragomirovo, Svishtov municipality, Veliko Tarnovo district was announced. The property is owned by the debtor L.M.I. and is sold to satisfy the claim of the demanding Agency for Control of Late Duty AD. The real estate is designated by identifier 23431.128.1 and has an area of 3 589 sq.m., category of land - Fourth, type of property - Private, type of territory - Agricultural, sustainable use - Levels. The property is located in the village of Dragomirovo and is surrounded by other land properties. The starting price for the public sale is BGN 9 860,40. On the property there are several burdens: forbidden in favor of the applicant in the case banned in favor of B.D.A... The public sale will take place on 30.11.2023 at 11:00 in the building of the District Court in Svishtov. It is imperative that the participation in the sale is guaranteed by importing a bill of 10% of the starting price of the property in a special bank account of Private Judicial Contractor Silvia Koseva. The biders must present their proposal in a sealed envelope in the District Court of the District Court of Svishtov by 17:00 on the last day of the sale.
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