A public sale of several real estates, owned by V.T.V., was announced in the performance of the F.I.B. The first property is with area of 2.394 sq.m., category 7, located in the village of Dimcha, Pavlikeni municipality. The starting bid price is 180 BGN. The second property is an abandoned triple plantation with an area of 5,000 sq.m., category 3, with an initial price of 514.80 лв. The third property has an area of 6.297 sq.m., category 3, with initial price of 115.20 BGN. The fourth property is a vineyard with an area of 1.300 sq.m., category 4, with an initial price of 115.20 BGN. The sale will be held in Pavlikeni District Court and participation requires deposit of 10% of the starting price. A view of the properties is possible during the public sale and the documents for sale are available in the office of the District Court - Pavlikeni.
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