There is a public sale of several real estates in the village of Balkantsi, Municipality of Strazhitsa, O.V.T. The property is owned by the debtor N.I.N. and sold to satisfy the claims of the demandr Rossina Oil 1 EOOD and N.V.T. 1. Property with identifier 02470.47.32 - levels, 6 6681 sq. m, starting price 1,223.40 BGN 2. Property with identifier 02470.23.27 - levels, 149 sq. m, starting price 190.60 BGN 3. Property with identifier 02470.30.34 - levels, 6 005 sq. m, starting price 1 099,60 BGN 4. Property with identifier 02470.33.7 - levels, 8 506 sq. m, starting price 1 557,60 BGN 5. Property with identifier 02470.54.12 - levels, 994 sq. m, starting price 109,20 BGN 6. Property with identifier 02470.73.8 - vineyard, 684 sq. m, starting price 40.80 BGN 7. Property with identifier 02470.47.42 - levels, 8 467 sq. m, starting price 496,16 BGN 8. Property with identifier 02470.19.13 - levels, 3 743 sq.m, starting price 248,40 BGN 9. Property with identifier 02470.22.32 - levels, 7 093 sq.m, starting price 332,56 BGN 10. Property with identifier 02470.54.10 - levels, 974 sq. m, starting price 67,92 лв. The properties have different characteristics such as category, mode of use and condition. The sale will take place on 29.11.2022 at 10:30 in the District Court building in Gorna Oryahovitsa. It is imperative that the participation of the bids be made up of 10% of the starting price of the property in advance by bank transfer. Bidding must present their proposals in a printed envelope at the Gorna District Court Oryahovitza until the end of the sale. Usually, a bidding party can only make one offer for a price. All details and documents of the properties may be reviewed within a specified period prior to the sale.
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