Public sale of real estate in Dolni chiflik, Dolni chiflik municipality, Varna district was announced. The property is by cadastral map and cadastral registers with identifier 21912.194.12, with an area of 4499 sq.m. The property is an orchard intended for agricultural land, category of land 7. The starting price of the property is 15 444 BGN. The property is with neighbors and is subject to a second public sale. There are weights, mortgages and bans on it. The opening of bidding proposals will be held on 08.08.2023 at 14:20 in the building of Varna District Court. To participate in the tender, an import note of 10% of the starting price is required, written a bidding proposal in a sealed envelope and an application for participation in the tender. Proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 3020 BGN are invalid. Bidding agents may participate by means of a power of attorney who must present a power of attorney, notarized to signatures and content. The above documents must be deposited in the office of the District Court of Varna at the latest by the end of the working day on the last day of the sale. Those wishing to participate in the tender may present an agent with prior appointment by a power of attorney. The advertisement is made up of Private Judicial Contractor Stanimira Danova.
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