Public sale of real estate owned by the debtor D.J.M. has been announced. The property is grounded with identifier 07598.219.22 on the cadastral map and the cadastral registers, located in Byala, Byala municipality, Varna district, with area of 1149 sq. m. The property has a lasting purpose for low building, in urbanized territory of the "Chaika" district. The starting price of the property is 65 840 BGN. The weights on the property are according to the description of the Private Judicial Contractor Reg. He 807. The property is burdened with forbidden acts. The bidding proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope containing an application for tender and an import amount of the original price by the time specified. Proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 3090 shall be invalid. The opening of the bidding proposals will take place at the specified date and time in the building of Varna District Court. Those who wish to participate in the tender must submit the necessary documents and be present at the opening of the proposals. The proposals will be discussed in front of the persons who appeared at the event.
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