Public sale of real estate owned by U.S.E. is announced, which will take place from 13.12.2024 to 17:00 at 13.01.2025. The property is indicated by cadastral identifier +359 4426.502.72 located in the village of Bliznatsi, municipality of Avren, district of Varna. The area of the property is 657 sq.m., with lasting purpose - urbanized territory for low building. The property has built a building with permission to build since 2012. The starting price of the property is 185 328 BGN. On the property are registered weights in favor of A.N.S. For participation in the public sale is required to submit a claim of 10% of the starting price in C.C.B.. The biders must submit an application for participation, an import note and a sealed price offer. The bidding proposals are accepted until 14.01.2025 in the public sale hall in the building of the SIS at VRS. The sale protocol shall be drawn up in the presence of the bidders and the contractor announcing the buyer.
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