Public sale of several real estates in Targovishte district, organized by private court contractor Anelia Zagorova was announced. Public sale will be held in the building of the Regional Court in Popovo and will include the following properties: 1. Levels in Palamartsa village, Popovo municipality, area of 5099.00 sq.m, initial price 12 240.00лв. 2. Levels in Palamartsa village, Popovo municipality, with an area of 3532.00 sq.m, starting price 5680.00лв. 3. Ovet garden in Palamartsa village, Popovo municipality, with an area of 1476.00 sq.m, starting price 2960.00лв. 4. Wood-producing forest in the village of Aprilovo, Popovo municipality, with an area of 390.00 sq.m, initial price of 8 720.00лв. 5. Abandoned levels in Aprilovo village, Popovo municipality, with an area of 8999.00 sq.m, initial price of 7200.00лв. The properties are owned by the I.V. and the E.S.V. The interested may review the properties at certain days and hours in the respective villages. It is mandatory to place a task of 1090 BGN on the initial price of the property. The purchase proposals shall be submitted to the Office of the District Court and contained in a sealed envelope. The public sale will take place on 19.08.2024 in the presence of the bids, drawing up a protocol with the announcement of the buyer.
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