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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Zmeyovo, district Stara Zagora

starting price: € 79148
area: 1060 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by debtors I.I.M., Z.I.P. and B.G.M., all from Stara Zagora. The property is located in the village of Zmeyovo, Stara Zagora municipality, Stara Zagora district. The plot has an area of 1060 sq.m. and has an area of 111.60 sq.m. The residential building is one-storey, one-family, with a garage. The building is divided into old and new part, including entrance hall, wet room, toilet, living room with fireplace, children's corner, kitchenette, corridor, bedrooms, bathroom with toilet, basement, warehouses, boiler room, summer kitchen and other premises. The property has a fenced yard, its own trafopost, drilling well, solar batteries for hot water, central heating, sewerage and other amenities. The starting price of the property is 154 800 BGN. Those who wish to inspect the property during the working days during the public sale. For participation in the tender, a fee of 10% of the starting price is required to be paid in advance. The biders submit their proposals in sealed envelopes in the office of the District Court, Stara Zagora until the end of the period for public sale. Irregular proposals will not be accepted. If more than one bidder is present, an auction will be held with an increase in the steps. The highest offer will be declared a buyer. In the event that any of the participants do not perform their duties, an oral bid will take place.

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