Public sale of real estate is announced, which is located in the village of Zmeyovo, Stara Zagora municipality, Stara Zagora district. The property is an ideal part of land property with identifier 31276.58.9, with an area of 5999 sq.m. It has a lasting purpose for agricultural activity, category of land - tenth. The starting price of the property is 3180 BGN. There are several burdens on the property, including bans for the benefit of different persons and organizations. The sale will be held in the building of the District Court of Stara Zagora, 33 M. M. Kusev Blvd., between 10.08.2024 and 10.09.2024. The interested parties may review the property every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30. The bid for participation in the sale is BGN 1090 and should be submitted in advance to the account of the court contractor Margarita Dimitrova. Each bider must point out his offer for a price with both figures and words and submit it to the designated place in the building of the District Court of Stara Zagora. A buyer of the property is considered the person offering the highest price. In the event of bids offering similar prices, bidding shall take place between them. Upon completion of the bidding, the buyer of the property is announced, which has offered the highest price. This is the announced public sale of real estate in the village of Zmeyovo, Stara Zagora municipality.
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