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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of house in Zmeyovo, district Stara Zagora

starting price: € 128846
area: 1060 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by debtors I.I.M., Z.I.P. and B.G.M., all from Stara Zagora. The property is a plot with an area of 1060 sq.m. in the village of Zmeyovo, Stara Zagora municipality, with built one-storey, one-family residential building with garage. The apartment has entrance hall, wet room, new part with large living room, fireplace, children's corner, kitchenette, two bedrooms, bathroom with toilet and basement. On the second level there is a corridor, two bedrooms and a loft. In the basement there is a warehouse, a warm connection with the garage, a boiler room with a oil boiler and a room with a fireplace. The property is surrounded by three sides, with its own trappost, drilling well, solar batteries for hot water, central heating, sewerage and ditch. The starting price of the property is 252,000 BGN. On the property are registered weights for the benefit of different banks. For participation in the bidding, a fee of 10% of the starting price shall be paid. A declaration of participation shall be submitted. The price proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora within a specified time limit. The bidding proposals exceeding the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. On the day of sale will be announced the highest price offered. Natural persons must submit a declaration of participation. The sale shall be made by oral bidding with a step in the amount of the call.

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