Public sale of real estate owned by the mortgage debtor B.G.M., acting as a sole trader with BIMA-BONKA MAVREVA company with EIC: 204489754. The property is located in the village of Zmeyovo, O.S.Z. and includes the building of a knitting studio. The building is located on a regulated plot of land with an area of 1060 sq. m. and includes a one-storey massive building with a basement located in the southeastern part of the property. The building has a built-up area of 346.32 sq. m. and has been in operation since 2003. The knitting workshop includes a machine room, working room, office, dressing room, warehouses and more. The property is burdened with burdens - a contractual mortgage in favor of "First Investment Bank" AD, banned in favour of other banks. The starting price of the property is BGN 172 800. The participants in the auction must submit a call of 10% of the starting price prior to their participation. The bid will take place on 04.10.2023 at the District Court of Stara Zagora. Potential buyers may review the property before the auction and submit their offers. The bidder who offered the highest price and appeared at the auction will be declared a buyer of the property.
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