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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Volovarovo, district Chirpan

starting price: € 589008
area: 35519 m2

Public sale of several real estates owned by the debtor has been announced STROYCOMERS-2008 EOOD, to satisfy the applicants in the case. The first property has an area of 30660 sq.m. in the village of Volovarovo, Chirpan municipality, Stara Zagora area, with buildings and purpose for production and warehouse activities. There are mortgages and warrants on it. The second property is land with an area of 1554 sq.m. in the same village, also intended for production and warehouse activities. The third property has an area of 390 sq.m., the fourth with an area of 1135 sq.m. and the fifth with an area of 1480 sq.m., all in the village of Volovarovo. All properties have prohibited warrants and warrants. The starting bid price is BGN 1 152 000 without VAT. A 10% call from the starting price is required for participation. Property surveys shall be carried out every present Friday on a preliminary basis. The bidding proposals are accepted in the office of the Regional Court of Chirpan every working day during the sale. Bidding ends on the last day of work hours. The price proposals below or above the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. The court contractor announces the bidding proposals and the buyer the next day in the building of the Chirpan District Court. All transfers of amounts above BGN 29 337.44 require declarations according to the legislation against money laundering.

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