Public sale of real estate, owned by I.D.I., is announced in the village of Strelets and Kaloyanovets, municipality of Stara Zagora. The first property is land property in the village of Strelets with an area of 5488 sq.m, including an ideal part of a built greenhouse with an area of 4359.42 sq.m. The starting price for this property is 50 000 BGN. The second property is an ideal part of land property in Kaloyanovets village with an area of 4000 sq.m. The starting price for the second property is 3000 BGN. For the first property there are burdens in favor of different persons entered in Stara Zagora. For the second property there are also included weights in favor of different persons. Those who want to participate in the sale must submit a task of BGN 1090 in advance to the account of the court contractor Margarita Dimitrova. Offers for purchase are accepted in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora and are reflected in the entry register. On 17.01.2025, the court contractor will open the offers for purchase in the presence of the bids and announce the buyer who has offered the highest price. In the case of new proposals, an oral increase of the price is allowed with the size of a task.
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