Public sale of real estate owned by M.G.M., which is a debtor in the performance of Stara Zagora municipality was announced. The property is located in the village of Strelets, Stara Zagora municipality and includes 1/6 ideal part of regulated land property with an area of 1520 sq.m. The property has an area of 60 sq.m, summer kitchen, outdoor toilet and all improvements and apparitions. The price from which the sale starts is 1600 BGN. The property has several burdens entered in Stara Zagora - banned in favor of the demanding of 27.09.2019 and 06.11.2023. The interested may review the property every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30. It is imperative to submit a task of BGN 1090 in advance to the account of the court contractor in the bank CCB AD. The biders must present their proposals in a sealed envelope in the office of the District Court of Stara Zagora and state their price with both figures and words. On 18.07.2024 the court contractor will open the proposals and will determine the buyer of the property.
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