Public sale of real estate belonging to the debtor I.D.I. and is subject to enforcement Me 20228690400191. The property is located in the village of Strelets, Stara Zagora municipality and includes a regulated land property with an ideal part of 5 488 sq.m, together with the greenhouse built in the property with an area of 4 359.42 sq.m. The property is formed by the unification of UPI U1-36, 37 from the 21st district of Sagittarius. The starting price of the property is determined and any willing may indicate a price higher in a bidding offer to be sealed in an opaque envelope. The property is burdened with a ban of 13.05.2020 in favour of the applicant in the executive case "E.B.E." EAD. The sale will be held in the office of the District Court - Stara Zagora, with each participant having to submit a 10% bid on the starting price. The bids may present their proposals in sealed envelopes which will be opened to the participation of regular bids. The interested may visit the property after prior appointment with the contractor and payment of a fee. The bidder, who is declared a buyer, must submit declarations and documents according to the SMI.
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