Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Ivelina Bivolova, with registration number He869 was announced. The sale is carried out on the basis of Art. 487, para. 1 of the GPC and is the result of executive case No. 20228690400191. On the 20th of May at 9:00 in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora will be accepted bidding proposals for the sale of real estate belonging to the debtor I.D.I.. The property is located in the village of Strelets, Stara Zagora municipality and includes land estate with an area of 5 488 sq.m, together with a greenhouse with an area of 4 359.42 sq.m. The starting price for sale is 1/3 of the value of the property. On the property there are weights in favor of the demanding "E.B.E." EAD. The sale will be held in the office of the District Court in Stara Zagora, with anyone willing to offer a price higher than the start, the amount being submitted in an opaque envelope. The bid for participation in the sale is 10% of the starting price and is submitted in advance by bank transfer. The proposals are accepted in the District Court - Stara Zagora. The public sale will take place in the presence of the bidding parties and the buyer must present an IFIF.
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