Public sale of real estate belonging to the debtor "Borovets - K-Trans" Ltd., owned by the demanding "Tera Agra 1" Ltd. The property is part of a land property with identifier 63344.88.11, located in Rupki village, Chirpan municipality, Stara Zagora district. The area of the ideal part is 9040 sq. m., with a lasting purpose for agricultural activity, category of land - 6. The starting price for the sale is BGN 28 002. On the property are listed different burdens such as leases and leases, as well as for the benefit of different persons. The property was acquired by "Alice Tour" Ltd after the entry of the ban in favour of the demanding "Tera Agra 1" Ltd. Those who wish to inspect the property on each working day during the sale. For participation in the bidding, a fee of 10% of the starting price is required to be paid in advance to the account of the private court contractor Gergana Ilcheva. The bids must indicate their offer with both numbers and words and submit it in a sealed envelope together with the receipt for the submitted bid. Any person can make only one bidding offer. Bids exceeding the starting price by more than 30% are invalid. On 13.12.2024 at 10:00 in the building of the District Court in Chirpan will be announced the received bidding proposals and will be determined the buyer with the highest price. If there is a bidding, it will be conducted according to legal requirements.
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