Public sale of real estate with identifier 61460.504. in Radnevo was announced. The property is a private site in a residential building located on the 5th floor, with an area of 60,96 sq. m. The property includes an area of 7.40 sq. m. The ideal parts of the building's common areas are 2.72%. The starting price of the property is 27 200 BGN. On the property are registered weights as a contractual mortgage and banned in favor of "Bank DSK" AD. Those who wish to review the property on each working day during the period of sale. An amount of 10% of the starting price prior to the participation in the bidding is mandatory. The biders submit their proposals in a sealed envelope in the office of the Regional Court in Radnevo until 16.01.2025 inclusive. On 17.01.2025, the bids received will be announced and the buyer will be determined on the basis of the highest bid price that exceeds the starting price by more than 30%.
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